Horrah for the SCRIBBLE, the dooodle, the chook scratch and whatever else you want to call it.
The Challenge is for all members to try and post a skribbel weekly...If you'd like to become a member please email me.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The Blue Frog
Here is my scribble of a blue frog that I did at the top of my page during the feedback session at the AFTRS pitching workshop. Why a Blue Frog? Well Tim Beeson pitched a concept involving a Frog, named Wade and I couldn't find the green texta in the bottom of my bag when I got to colouring.
Hey blu rocks...though next time you don't say "it was cos i couldn't reach my green texta" but... "I wanted to prove that my frog wasn't just one frog among many..the strange coloured nature of his skin represents his individuality, while the blue colour specifically expresses he's pessemistic out look on life and his place in it, despite his happy appearence" ....there see...Clearly you never went to art school and learned the fine art of bullshit..were nothing is allowed to mean nothing...
At 12:01 PM ,
Jyp said...
Hey blu rocks...though next time you don't say "it was cos i couldn't reach my green texta" but... "I wanted to prove that my frog wasn't just one frog among many..the strange coloured nature of his skin represents his individuality, while the blue colour specifically expresses he's pessemistic out look on life and his place in it, despite his happy appearence" ....there see...Clearly you never went to art school and learned the fine art of bullshit..were nothing is allowed to mean nothing...
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