
Horrah for the SCRIBBLE, the dooodle, the chook scratch and whatever else you want to call it. The Challenge is for all members to try and post a skribbel weekly...If you'd like to become a member please email me.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Well this is was done at a confrence type thing...where i once again should have been taking notes...but hey I was, it was just an as well as drawing kinda deal....

Do you like my self scribble? (the chick at the top ..not the skeleton and *not* the doof with the boofy hair)

ahhhh a whole page

hey just to be different I'm writing at the side.

I like this one...pretty sure this was another staff meeting...This is actually a full page of drawing...must have been when we had food in the staff meetings and they took waaaaaaay longer...

Now they generally are brief and to the point...and i don't get time to draw enough!!

Methinks public transport will be the new scribble time of choice.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Blue Frog

Here is my scribble of a blue frog that I did at the top of my page during the feedback session at the AFTRS pitching workshop. Why a Blue Frog? Well Tim Beeson pitched a concept involving a Frog, named Wade and I couldn't find the green texta in the bottom of my bag when I got to colouring.

Cute yet sickly?

Is It just me or does despite the sorta cute look...does everything in this picture look like its dying of radation?

Go Doomwhales GO!!

This is actually done on the back of a coaster in a pub. My animation buddies and I were at a quiz night...and in honor of our Production name Doomwhale ...we named ourselves Move with Porpoise. You can see extreeme suzie ..fleeced the sheep and tiki the weasel all make an appearance. We also made a "move with porpoise" sign with a porpoise that we coloured in with tomato sauce...i think I have a photo of it on my phone...I'll have to find it.

Meeting Doodles continue

So anyway Jack and Jill ran up the hill...Jill ran up the hill cos she was running away from Jack cos he was carrying an idoling chainsaw, and she found this a little scary...Jack ran up the hill because he was chasing a mouse (he hates mice....with a passion...hence the chainsaw) and on the way up they startled a cow (it was a green hill...lots of grass) and the aliens monitoring the situation? totally terrifide of they start dropping bombs and you do.

I have nothing to say but Con -queeeeee-steeeeeee-doooooooor

The Meeting Doodle series

Hi again! Well I'm a chronic scribbler...usually when I’m supposed to be taking notes…Anyway here is what I call my “meeting doodles”

cute things gone scary.......

seems to be my basic theme

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well well well

Three holes in the ground? No I meant to say here we are. What I hope to achieve from this blog is a forum of displaying and getting comments on the humble scribble... The posts do not have to be the most beautiful works of art ever created infact they shouldn't be...I'm really starting this to encourage drawing...the concept of scribbling when ever you get a chance....and just practise practise practise